Saturday, April 25, 2009

Twine Shipworks, Journal Entry #3

So, Oy finally got me first Ironclad up fer sale in world and on Xstreet! Oy am quite excited abou it too. There have been a few purchases already an tha makes me happy. Not only can ye see it in world RIGHT HERE ye can also get it from Xstreet.

Oy'd also like ta mention tha we have set up the 7Seas fishing system over in IRON BAY as well. Everybody is more than welcomed ta drop in an fish with us! We've not got any special fish or special items there just yet, but Oy am working on it as hard as Oy can. Max, Ron, Skyler, an me did a good bit of fishin last night, an had a helluva great time! Come out an join us!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Twine Shipworks, Journal Entry #2

Since it came ta me recent attention tha our waters had nay any wot ye would call automated defenses, Oy plan ta help out wiff some floatin mines. If'n The Four would get in touch wiff me, we can start discussions on where ye would like ta have them mines placed. Of course, they'd haff ta be anchored or ye'd haff them floatin all over tha place an explodin on tha hulls of our city. Oy cannae begin ta tell ye wot a helluva mess tha would cause.

Oy also sent Mr. Weka tha plans Oy had fer a repair station fer our own vessels. Of course, their placement would nay mean tha we'd be tha only ones ta use em. Ye know how profit minded some of our citizens are, an nuffin would stop em from repairin tha ships of our enemies as well as our own.

((that is to say that as far as I know there is no way for the scripted docks to differentiate between our ICS scripted ships and the ships of our adversaries. Though the repair stations would take damage just as well as the the ships we use!))

Twine Shipworks, Journal Entry #1

Yeah, Oy stole tha title idea from Albus... Makes tha whole comin up wiff a title fing a whole lot easier it does. Oy'm juss writin a few fings down ta let folks know that there is a new shop in town. If'n ye stand at tha city hub an then torn yerself aroun, ye'll notice there is a large hull wiff some apartment lookin fings built on top of it. Head right over there, walk up the ramp, go to tha top floor, turn right, an open tha door. That's me Twine Shipworks Armada office! Come on in an look around. Oy aint got but one ship up fer sale yet, but it is a nice one.

Fin's Flyer is a relatively good airship wot is built mainly fer urchins. She is a small vessel an built for cruisin, but dinnae let tha stop ye from fallin in love wiff her. She's a right rough lady, but will treat ye right. Once Oy get me weapons engineering down pat, Oy'll make a combat version of her too!

Right now, Oy'm workin on a light patrol style ironclad, which should be done sometime this week. She'll have two guns, one bow and one aft. She has a decent speed and will turn on a dime. She uses paddle wheels for propulsion and for her tight steering. She aint got all the armor in tha world, but she'll hold her own.